"Going Home"
Cape Perpetua - Oregon Coast
"Going Home"
A feature written by RepMeddy Amabssador, Rachel Arappagis on her journey around the world.
Recently I just returned, from pretty much everywhere. I was able to make memories in Chile, Argentina, South Africa, India, and Australia. I say I was going home because home is where the heart us. And Oregon is as much of me as anything else.
Growing up in Southern Oregon I learned to thrive on on adventure and wanderlust. The biodiversity and congenial nature of folks is just unreal.
My trip was one for the senses I explored Patagonia wilderness, tasted everything I could, felt the salty breeze of five different oceans, operated on a level of simply existing blissfully. I observed chaos, peace and an odd mix of everything in between. It's was lovely.
One of the most frequent questions I received was "what do you miss most" my automatic answer was 'TREES.' usually met with a curious look. With a reply of "well what about that tree" of which they would point to some stand alone twig. With a sigh I would say " no, TREES" to be completely understood I would need to carry them through Oregon, to show them the trees worth lamenting. Then they would understand.
Most people miss home, I don't because I am the mountain air, the open skies, babbling crystal clear springs, the hippies, the hipster. I am where I've grown. So go explore, seek, discover. Carry your home, embolden it.