Meddy on Break While Traveling
Cody Stover
You might not have seen much from RepMeddy the last few months. Social media and web production have sat still, allowing for a little media detox—something that seems increasingly important in this fast moving, always "connected" world. RepMeddy was founded as a brand community that values artistic expression, outdoor exploration, and the unique stories of people from the Rogue Valley and beyond. Some time to breath and create has been much needed to make sure that RepMeddy remains focused on these principles.
You may now notice that there are not products available currently. This is because the Meddy team has taken some time away from apparel design to travel and gain new perspectives. In other words, there is no one at home to fulfill orders at this time. That being said, we'd love to see where your MEDventures are taking you and hope that you are able to detox a little from media as well. I am going to blog a little, to record some noteworthy experiences from Europe and beyond, hoping that in writing I can reflect a little on some wisdom along the way. Cheers.
Peace be the journey,